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Therapeutic Massage in Conjunction with Chiropractic care Benefits and why you should go see a trusted Chiropractor and Massage Therapist for your aches and pains;
When the spine or other joints (hip, hand, knee, etc.) are out of alignment your body creates holding patterns and over time can result in pain or other more serious conditions that may require surgery. The longer a stuck joint is in that position, the longer it will take to manipulate the tissues to allow the adjustment to stay in alignment. Muscles have memory, they remember pain, trauma that create guarding of muscle tissues called 'armoring' and they also remember if a massage felt good or hurt. Now because muscles have memory we have to manipulate the muscle tissues (or joints) regularly to encourage those tissues to heal and stay in place (or alignment).
It is kind of like an exercise plan, it takes a lot at first to get where you want to be and than maintaining gets easier. The statistics show that only 5% of people actually get worse with chiropractic care, that is a small number of people. Nothing can be healed overnight or in one visit, the healing process takes time and what may be good for one person may not be for another. Knowing where that line gets drawn and understanding it, can make a tremendous effect on your health and your quality of life. Stop living with pain, there is an answer and an natural alternative; Therapeutic Massage in conjunction with Chiropractic Care may be right for you.
 With the Devestation of the flood, Natural Healing Therapeutic is on a traveling massage basis only.
In office massages can be scheduled at (208) 375 - 6272 { Request Emily
Boise Therapeutic Massage { 7153 W. Emerald St. Boise ID, 83704 
 I Graduated from the Milan Institute in April 2011 and became Nationally Certified in August 2011. I returned to school and studied for my bachelors as a Health Fitness Specialist. Over the last two years I have worked with several different companies promoting and working in different offices, from chiropractors to spas. I am currently independently working with Boise Therapeutic Massage and accepting clientele. I am also traveling as well
 As a Therapist my mission is to help the general population, athletes, contstruction workers and desk workers, reduce, relieve and manage pain from injury, repetitive improper movements or just everyday stress. Increase your Range Of Motion and educate you on the health benefits of massage; and than let you experience first hand the calming of those angry muscles through therapeutic manipulaiton of the soft tissues.  


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